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減肥養身小綠人 - AVOCAT🥑🥑


-酪梨功效 酪梨因有豐富的油脂,有人誤為吃了酪梨會增胖,其實才沒有!酪梨雖然含油量高但所含油脂是植物性不飽和脂肪,並沒有膽固醇,所以食用之後不僅容易有飽足感,加上膳食纖維量也相當高,有助消化。另外酪梨含有比其它水果還多的β-sitosterol,有助於預防心血管疾病的效用! 再者,酪梨富含所謂的ASU (Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables),能抑制interleukin-1,並刺激軟骨修復機制,合成膠原(collagen),是膝關節炎患者的小護士。

-酪梨怎麼買 市售的酪梨都是綠皮,如酪梨還沒成熟,吃起來不但沒有味道,還帶有苦苦、澀澀的。買回家的酪梨最好先置於通風處至果皮變成褐色(營養師劉素櫻認為酪梨放得越久、礦物質含量會變得越高。)握在手中搖晃,裡面種子有晃動感就代表已成熟適合食用。

-酪梨怎麼吃 除了好喝的酪梨牛奶,這次來介紹兩個簡單又健康的酪梨食譜吧😋😋


食材: 墨西哥捲餅皮 4片 板豆腐 500克 藜麥 100克 玉米罐頭 140g 酪梨抹醬 美乃滋 咖哩粉 洋蔥 1/2 顆

Ingredient : Burrito wraps 4 pieces Fortified tofu 500g Quinoa 100g Corn can 140g Homemade guacamole Homemade mayonnaise Curry powder Onion 1/2 piece

作法: 1. 將藜麥用清水洗淨後,放入200毫升滾水中,以小火慢煮約10分鐘至熟後放置冷卻。 2. 將板豆腐切成約5毫米的小丁。準備ㄧ平底鍋加熱,將板豆腐與橄欖油一同以中火慢煎至金黃,最後以咖哩粉、鹽、黑胡椒調味。 3. 洋蔥切成細長條狀,準備另一平底鍋放入洋蔥與適量橄欖油後,上方鋪上一層防油紙開小火慢煮。記得適時攪拌以免洋蔥焦掉。一直煎至洋蔥變軟至金黃褐色即可。 4. 準備一張墨西哥捲餅皮,先抹上酪梨抹醬與自製美乃滋,在依序平均鋪上作法1)的藜麥、作法3)的洋蔥與玉米,最後再捲餅前方1/3處鋪上一長條的作法2)板豆腐即可捲起享用。

Process : 1. Rince the quinoa with water, prepare 200ml boiling water and put the quinoa into the pot. Cook in simmer for 10mins. 2. Cut the fortified tofu into 5mm cube. Prepare a fry pan, heat it up with olive oil then slowly pan fry the tofu. Season at the end with curry powder, salt and pepper. 3. Cut the onion into thin slices, prepare a fry pan with some olive oil and place the onion evenly in the pan, cover the onion with parchment paper. Turn the fire to simmer and slowly cook the onion until it turns to golden brown color. 4. Prepare a sheet of burrito wrap, spread the homemade guacamole and mayonnaise, then place the quinoa, onion and corns in orders. Finally place the tofu into a line and wrap it.

(2)自製酪梨抹醬 Homemade Guacamole

食材: 酪梨 1顆 堅果 20克 豆漿 2 湯匙 洋蔥 半顆 黑胡椒 橄欖油+檸檬 2湯匙

Ingredient : Avocado 1 piece Nuts 20g Soya milk 2 table spoon Onion 1/2 piece Salt Pepper olive oil + lemon zest 2 table spoon

作法: 1. 將酪梨去籽後切成丁,1/2洋蔥切成丁。 2. 將酪梨與豆漿、堅果、檸檬橄欖油放入果汁機裏稍微打碎(最好還能保留些塊狀的酪梨,口感較豐富!)。 3. 將作法2)的酪梨醬與切好的洋蔥攪拌均勻,並以鹽、黑胡椒調味。

Process : 1. Take off the seed of the avocado, and cut the avocado into small cubes. Cut the 1/2 onion into small dices too. 2. Take a mixture, add the avocado, soya milk, nuts and lemon olive oil and mix it ( try not mix too much, the best texture is containing some cubes of avocado inside). 3. Take out the mixture, add the onion inside and season with salt and pepper.

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